What kind of events/training does Business Development Accelerator offer?

What kind of events/training does Business Development Accelerator offer?

The Business Development Accelerator trains Pranic Healers to be more skillful, competent, and confident professionals.  Services include but are not limited to training on how to make Pranic Healing a profession, coaching services, and concierge services.  We currently offer the Business Development Accelerator Program and The Golden Toolkit: Energy Healingas a Profession book.

Also get your copy of The Golden Toolkit:  Energy Healing as a Profession:

Update August 2024!  The Golden Toolkit: Energy Healing As A Profession Second Edition is now available to purchase as follows:

Amazon Kindle:  https://a.co/d/8AtAfW0

Visit the Business Development Accelerator Program page and The Golden Toolkit: Energy Healing as a Profession page to learn more.

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